Let's go a little memory check. Robert Nester Marley (1945-1981) known more as Bob Marley is one of the pioneers of reggae music. He inspired loads of people with his music. Like all people there is the good and not so good part of them, however it seems the not so good part of him is a highly praised part. Yes am referring to the weed aspect. Amongst the reggae community I daresay it a key element not saying everyone partakes in it. But to judge it isn't really my place so may I not digress. My point is that as much as Bob Marley is respected for his music his name has also become synonymous with weed. In Ghana most people make comments like "me den ma paddy in deal be tight pass bob Marley den weed". So therefore I believe the street name 'Marley's' is perhaps a way of glorifying the name. So yes, it a drug and a chance to 'enlighten', I see it beyond that. I see it as an ideology, so now allow me to explain my ideology of Marley's. Marle...