
Showing posts from February, 2015

Welcome to Ghana

Welcome to Ghana                 Welcome to Ghana, a peaceful nation full of calm, creative, open-minded people until….. So now welcome to Ghana, where dum-sor (power cuts) timetable can only be downloaded from the website of radio stations Where only the Electricity Company of Ghana (E.C.G) understands the timetable The timetable indicating 24 hours of power and 12 hours of no power is mostly 5 days of no power and 12 hours of power Welcome to Ghana, where the president is liked by most because he is fairly young, nice-looking and a good orator and not because of his performance in office In Ghana, most people do not know who the vice president is or his full name Politicians never mean their vows because it keeps changing with every rally and campaign season Some parliamentarians never make a comment yet still get paid huge sums of money Parliamentarians always fight over development ...