Welcome to Ghana

Welcome to Ghana

                Welcome to Ghana, a peaceful nation full of calm, creative, open-minded people until…..
So now welcome to Ghana, where dum-sor (power cuts) timetable can only be downloaded from the website of radio stations
Where only the Electricity Company of Ghana (E.C.G) understands the timetable
The timetable indicating 24 hours of power and 12 hours of no power is mostly 5 days of no power and 12 hours of power
Welcome to Ghana, where the president is liked by most because he is fairly young, nice-looking and a good orator and not because of his performance in office
In Ghana, most people do not know who the vice president is or his full name
Politicians never mean their vows because it keeps changing with every rally and campaign season
Some parliamentarians never make a comment yet still get paid huge sums of money
Parliamentarians always fight over development issues concerning the people, yet unite during discussions on pay rise

Ghana has waste disposal problems, still sods are cut to commission new dump sites
In Ghana, the Black stars, the national football team earns way more than any other national sports teams.
 Money which in the views of others could be used to help in the development of Ghana
Water and sewage is often an issue, due to the numerous water constraints we face. Still water is used to water gardens of high class individuals

In Ghana, the quickest way to earn money after corruption and politics will probably be religion
Religion has so much influence that to question it means you are either the devil or an unbeliever

Welcome to Ghana, where malls have been given so much prestige that people would prefer to buy an item for twice or more it's price. 

In Ghana, politics revolve around the two major parties; the New Patriotic Party and the National Democratic Congress. I wonder why we aren't a two party state yet
Science and arts are only seen as good and appreciated by all yet applied and enjoyed by geeks, nerds and very open-minded people

Ghana has a museum of Science and Technology.
 Did you know?
 Yet there hasn't been a single event nor ceremony happened or happening there

I am not a security expert but I believe putting state buildings in one locality…..?
In Ghana we believe the best way is long term plans yet we always opt for short term ones. Costs less I guess and more corruption money I believe

To be the farmer of the year, you ought to be rich. After all money brings more money ……

So this post isn't complete but I leave it to you to complete it. 

So I leave it to you my dear reader

Welcome to Ghana………..


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