
Showing posts from April, 2019


As he waited on his phone to power up, he thought about what to write. Whether or not, he should even right. Whether it would matter anyways. As he lay in the couch, the air silent, the world asleep and the only sound was that of a silent hum as the fan moved above his head, he wondered if a roof was all he had now. Nothing more but just a roof. A roof under which he slowly faded away, held back by himself and  the circumstances that placed him there. He had never felt such brokenness before, just loneliness, such confused emotions. He thought perhaps it would go away if he slept. Yet under that roof that was all he had, sleep was not a comfort tonight. What made him so sad and lonely? Was it the lack of money to purchase fleeting moments of happiness? Was it the lack of people he called friends who only cared when they needed him? People who read every scream of his and tuned out when it wasn't the right enough frequency for them? Was it the subconscious burden of carrying the we...