
Showing posts from 2014

A writer’s walkway

                As we chimed and cloaked away The voiceless found their voice Roars from deep within echoed through out Walking in the path of loneliness We find companionship in solitude Redemption and the joy of being alone In the echoes and noise, silence rippled through our hearts As I sat in the darkness, naked A light shone in my heart with every click and every tap Words drew a picture As messy as it was, not worthy of beauty Beauty was its very worth In all corners when cornered, we break the corners This is art, this is a vision A writer’s walkway. After we walk out of the abyss we see a bigger world Without boundaries we leap like frogs Run like cheetahs’ And rule like lions So as we dream and work even when we don’t Remember every action takes a writer ever closer A dot, a splash, a word, a phrase, a stanza, joy, pain, messy and neatness This is a writers passions and a writer’s walkwa...


    Let's go a little memory check. Robert Nester Marley (1945-1981) known more as Bob Marley is one of the pioneers of reggae music. He inspired loads of people with his music. Like all people there is the good and not so good part of them, however it seems the not so good part of him is a highly praised part. Yes am referring to the weed aspect. Amongst the reggae community I daresay it a key element not saying everyone partakes in it. But to judge it isn't really my place so may I not digress. My point is that as much as Bob Marley is respected for his music his name has also become synonymous with weed. In Ghana most people make comments like "me den ma paddy in deal be tight pass bob Marley den weed". So therefore I believe the street name 'Marley's' is perhaps a way of glorifying the name. So yes, it a drug and a chance to 'enlighten', I see it beyond that. I see it as an ideology, so now allow me to explain my ideology of Marley's. Marle...

Round Abouts

As we sat in the heat. It was obvious that we were stuck. No amount of pushing whether mentally or physically could move us from this fixed locum. There was the usual murmurs of how get out and some very loud ones as to how we could have avoided it altogether. ‘Hmm not again’, someone said. Like an ice breaker in a very hot harmattan day, this drew water as people immediately offered their various reasons and counsel as to our current predicament; Let’s blame it on the power controller. No let’s blame it on the controller of our movement. I am pretty sure he could have avoided all this but just decide to plunge us in. copyrighted @summit_art I had a feeling that I will think over the word Plunge. It sounded a bit strong and powerful for such a piece of an entire social system. No matter how detailed a system, there will always be an outsider who requires more details. So she asked, ‘excuse me where is this? As a podium of silence I choose to break my sil...


Dimensions In the eyes of a child, what are germs? Just an extension of the many things they are taught to fear Children fear not the economic crisis or life choices. Being raised to see the world in only two shades; black and white. They fear the black holes in their closet. What we ‘adults’ see as skeletons and yet refuse to acknowledge our fear of them. Black and white means a child sees no shades. No shades of black or white. Wrong is wrong and right is right. However this color blindness is mostly cured as we grow. We now see that some wrong can be right and some right can be pretty wrong. A child’s mind always expects because we have been since we were just eggs and sperms So then the question When do we stop expecting? Is it when we realize that the world actually isn’t in duo dimension but it is a multi-dimensional state of existing? As we battle the very core values that was instilled in us. Behind every once pure laugh we now find a reason t...