A writer’s walkway
As we chimed and cloaked away
The voiceless found their voice
Roars from deep within echoed through out
Walking in the path of loneliness
We find companionship in solitude
Redemption and the joy of being alone
In the echoes and noise, silence rippled through our hearts
As I sat in the darkness, naked
A light shone in my heart with every click and every tap
Words drew a picture
As messy as it was, not worthy of beauty
Beauty was its very worth
In all corners when cornered, we break the corners
This is art, this is a vision
A writer’s walkway.
After we walk out of the abyss we see a bigger world
Without boundaries we leap like frogs
Run like cheetahs’
And rule like lions
So as we dream and work even when we don’t
Remember every action takes a writer ever closer
A dot, a splash, a word, a phrase, a stanza, joy, pain,
messy and neatness
This is a writers passions and a writer’s walkway.
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