The Panda bought a Promise
Siting in a pool of water from the night’s rain, she could barely believe her luck. She was clean, well not that it made any difference, she would be wading through mud anytime soon. Before all the mud wading, how about breakfast, she mused. On the side of the forest she lived was a plantation, owned by none, cherished by all. Bamboo was going to be breakfast again, not much difference from lunch and supper, perhaps a little rain to taste. Well the sooner the better, breakfast was better with rain water. She didn’t know how, but it just was, guess it was the ions or the nothingness of its taste. After breakfast, a walk was in order. She didn’t want to play into the joke, that her species were the only vegetarians who got fat. “Fat?” She snorted. What was wrong with being fat? It gave her body more cover, more fur, more thickness. She would never understand or wish to fit in. She was so lost in thought that she came across a long weird looking path. It wasn’t made of sand, dust or...