I have
slipped into Darkness
Covering it
up loads
Wish I had Wings and Horns
Immortality in exchange for a Heart
Light conflicts with my eyes now
I work
better in the Dark
Squinting at the light.
I’ve Slipped into darkness
Dreamt about
Lucifer, Pitch Black and Hades.
They seemed
silent for some reason
For beings
of their being, talking is required
The Sun smiles at me yet my skin is ever Cold
Like Jack Frost, I keep to me with my cold
Damn the need to Mingle, I will be fine Alone
Wishing I had wings and horns Now
I would have
no need for petty Humanity
Society would wonder at what a Non-conformist I am
gliding through a canal filled with a river
A Crimson river of Blood and sour Taste
I will
become the symbol you preach
The Ending, the Finale, the Moment
For I have
slipped into darkness
Aint covering
it anymore
Now I have wings
and horns
With pleasure
exchanged my heart for Immortality.
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