photocredit: @summit_art |
As i stare at the blank white page. my mind goes into shock for i really don't know what to write. Perhaps i'm not as good as I've been made to believe. After all a writer is a talker of words but on paper. this might or may not be about me but really who cares.
Sometimes words flow not so quite subtle but society is collapsing. Funny how that keeps ringing into my ears. i feel its somehow a key factor of my writers block. Under estimating my own self iI lose hope even before i start. so now lets begin
So i write this with a pile of dishes waiting on me for no matter how big, i believe i am : family always reminds you of ya place.I am not a social advocate of any sort. most times i see myself as a chaos theorist if there is such a thing. for after all there must be a little bad for good to happen. the balance of life ; Ying, Yang.
However i would daresay that maybe its become a bit much of society. when we put barriers on ourselves and we all know what these barriers are ; religion,sexuality,race,colon,ideologies just to mention a few, sometimes they are good or bad. the truth of the matter is that none is perfect , sure but don't we all aim to be perfect no matter how we deny it.
Wouldn't you wake up every morning looking glam, feeling like a god and shinning like a star. we are the very pinnacles of who and or what we are and or will become. don't be deceived that i'm some inspirational speaker. nope i just love to talk and write. like most people try to influence the world from my own corner.
I doubt if this note will appeal to all to start with. it doesn't really have a central idea which sometimes makes life hard. when people are asked to think outside the box, i wonder if they ever ask what is the BOX? what if the box is the one place you should think in because no one has bothered to explore it enough. the mind is not the perfect tool in life but its the best thing in the human life.
So this is the end i doubt but lets say its the end of a awkward note.
Live long and prosper.
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