Ramblings of a Lost Ghost Shell.

Lately I seem to have been under a high amount of stress. Sometimes self-induced and mostly induced by others and as such it has become hard for me to concentrate on what I need and what I have. This is hell, I’m getting myself pushed into way more than I could imagine. Tough decisions don’t come easy, humph funny, of course they don’t. The question on my mind right now and probably yours is wtf I’m I gabbing on about. I generally was not looking out to get into an emotional state of being, I mean heck I was glad with what I was; a cold sentinel being. Minding my own business, but the universe right, it only gives a peek so you forever have that bitter taste in your mouth. The reality hit me as I typed this semi-granny nag, listening to the weirdest playlist ever. I had Rihanna’s stay and diamonds, Nicky Minaj’s bed of lies, Pink’s just give a reason, JohnnySwim. The whole emo/depression bunch, perhaps I should add hotel cabana. Yhp I will add hotel cabana. I owed not only physically because my health was just getting sucker buh I felt like my entire soul was being drawn away from me.

Perhaps I exaggerate not for emphasis I dare include, I dare beg of you to judge it as another rant of a simple being. Uhmm, so yes back to topic, about emotions and all that, meh I guess I tried a bit buh when people lose interest I gain new focus on different issues. I mean I have a lot on my plate for a dude who is a hungry artist. I’m not saying that I go without meals buh I am not getting paid for my art, well not anytime soon.  I started a podcast with a friend and its crazy fun, a bit hectic at times; I play alternative music which for my upbringing isn’t that much of a surprise just that any alternative isn’t that in Ghana or Africa I daresay. 

I have lectures to sit through which generally I seem to have lost interest from. I really doubt Steve Jobs made money from losing interest in school, he did try I guess. Also the plans you discuss with people may not be good enough for you but if they buy into it, hey push to make it a reality and now I am being pushed and encouraged to make my own dreams a reality when I literally have no idea about the field in question. Too many buh’s and buts in this post, let us talk about something good, I miss my friends, playing right now is Justin Timberlake’s amnesia. I think he is awesome, being able to write and compose such songs and produce it, if only I could get a puff of amnesia. Worries would fade away for a while buh yes back to topic, I miss my friends, the silly moments we had, I miss being happy, haven’t being happy in a long while. It may sound all ‘I need a shrink’ moment buh I miss the little sounds people make when they really happy. My ears don’t even echo my own laugh anymore cuz it is either locked in a cough or flu or I’m just blank.

I must apologize again for all this gibberish writing, I mean I write better than this, so I have been told, also I am generally holding back so I don’t over say shit. The very basics of this whole piece is to get me to show my I am declining, before my very eyes. Like a game, going towards the conclusion and the game tries to come up with insane levels and powerups who needed way earlier buh the game just doesn’t care, that ain’t my life.

 Damn I would need a shrink if that was my life; I may probably be the controller of the game who is evil enough to do that to a poor soul. Hahahaha. Too much on the laugh. Also before I forget If they is ever an open chance to head to japan to learn and be more awesome: dear family friends as much as I appreciate and love all you have done for me, I will still head out to japan.
P.s; this is my longest post I hope and I haven’t told any story or gone into details. For that I apologize, I was just writing in the mood.

Signed                             Summit Boahen
                                           Captain Kente


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