The Time a Man Broke My Heart
This is inspired loosely by the movie, "For Colored Girls" by Tyler Perry.
After seeing that movie I realized that of all the blessings and curses of life, men may be the top most of it all. I wanted to write this for a while but then I got lost. I was lost as to how to write it, another fictional tale for your reading pleasure, a long winding poem for your mental orgasm or an unforgiving rant for your raw emotions. Either way this will get written and I will get feedback from some people. As always I have no specific train of thought, but I just keep writing and hoping at some point I don't over digress.
It is honestly and brutally sad how men take a ton for granted and yes that includes me as well. Society and yourselves have created a shield and a sheath in which all things are allowed if you're a man. You don't even have to be born one, if you can become one later in life or identify as one, that will work as well..
Reality is that, not every woman wants to be stared at, till they feel their very soul invaded. Not every woman prefers a whistle to a gentle name call, because God forbid she has a name or a way to be addressed . Not every woman has to be non - provocative to help you control yourself, because being provocative and sensual is a right if not a need. Lest I forget, not every woman wants to be the muse to your lewd thoughts and or nightmares..
The reality is that, men, yes including me do way more than just stare, we jest, we wonder and we compare. Feels like a modern day slave auction but with the focus being on who is the most beautiful and or provocative to the mind, the heart and indeed the loins of you.
We give a thousand women roles in glorious spots, support a feminism camp and we call it even. Sad or heartbreaking? It may be that men have a limit which they dare not pass and so I leave it at that. Yet is it right that a lot is taken for granted. I dare ask, is it a requirement to be an awesome man.
I wonder if women feel like black athletes in the past, where you had to prove beyond reasonable doubt and limitations that you are worth more than a pinch of salt. Perhaps not, but perhaps yes.
Let's not sit here behind this virtual space and call all men black(no pun intended). There is good in all things no matter who made them. This is because, well like systems, it undergoes changes and upgrades. So yes, a couple of men may still take advantage of the system and a couple of women may get on board but change will come, not like a Japanese bullet train but perhaps one day at a time like the rising sun. Oh yes, I really doubt this was the ending I had in mind but remember that part about no specific train of thought ? Yep this is where it lead. Be more considerate and a far better person than you were before you read this, if you weren't.
P. S. Yes the title is weird and not click bait, it just kept ringing in my head, so thus happened; the time a man broke my heart.
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