The Stories I don't tell.
I wish I could write facts and tell you that I'm terrible scared of emotions.
Of thoughts of you leaving because you found someone to take refuge in.
To have everyone think we are meant to be, only not to be.
I wish I could write facts like how my heart physically hurts when I get overwhelmed with emotions or songs.
How I fall in love with the smallest of things and the cutest of smiles.
How deep down in my heart, I wish I could help all, yet I fight it.
I wish I could write facts like how easy it is for me to accept the faith and the systems.
Yet its that very reason that makes it hard for me to accept the faith and the systems.
How I'm sometimes curious and wonder how I would be loved if I was ever not my gender.
I wish I could write facts and tell you secrets I would take to my grave.
But those I would take to my grave.
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